Pangaea Express: Professional Fees and Professional Allowance in Quebec

May 15, 2017

By Ghislain Gauthier

The legal dispute between the Health Minister and the AQPP has found a resolution with a new agreement.

The government will introduce a regulatory amendment that will restore the professional allowances (PA’s) that a pharmacist can receive up to 15%, the exact same amount it was before the adoption of Bill 28 in April 20th, 2015. This regulation will put an end to the progressive increases of the PA that took place throughout 2016 culminating with uncapping of the PA on January 28th of this year.

At the same time, under the terms of the agreement, the Health Ministry will stop the withdrawal of $ 133 million per year from pharmacists’ fees on certain procedures, notably for compliance packaging commonly used in long term care. The withdrawal of those fees was to last until 2019.

For further information, please contact Ghislain Gauthier, Director, The Pangaea Group